пятница, 25 апреля 2008 г.

Answering the Most Important Question

Whether you realize it or not every advertisement and every type of marketing is trying to answer for all their potential customers the exact same question. I've asked it myself before going into a store. I see all around me attempts to give an adequate answer. Some businesses are successful and others fail miserably. And what is this all-important question you might ask?

Why should I shop at your store?

Do you have low prices? Then that's the reason you give. Do you have good customer service? Do you have a good selection, or a good location, or a proven history of pleasing customers? There are plenty more question I could come up with and all of them are meant to tell a customer, "This is why you should shop here."

The question isn't always easy to answer because not everyone has the same reasons for shopping at any given stores. Sometimes the special deal or low prices will be all a person cares about, but then I've had plenty of occasions where I was willing to pay a little extra because the store simply had a better environment to it or a better location. There is no one answer, and if there was every store would be screaming it.

So what does this mean for the business owner? You need to figure out which answer fits best for you. Once you know it you need to get that out to your customers. Flyer printing is an excellent way to hand people the answer.

If low prices is the most pressing reason why you're better than the competition then slap that information on full color flyers and hand it out to everyone you can. If promoting a prime location is your answer, printing a lot of flyers and handing them out to the local people in the area, maybe with a map on it showing them exactly where you are, will be just the answer they need as to why they should give you business.

It isn't always easy thinking of just the right reason why people should come in, especially if you think you're store has several of them. Before printing up your advertisements you should sit back and put some serious thought to what the answer would be.

Failing to recognize what the greatest strength you store has will potentially lose you business. Focus on the market you're targeting. Write down a list of all the different reasons you think are the best. From the list you made pick out the top choices. Try focusing all of your advertising on whatever your choice was, and see how much it improves your sales.

The sooner you know why a customer should shop with you the sooner you'll be able to focus your marketing in the right areas. If you don't know why how can the customers?

Visit this site for more information on flyer printing (http://www.printplace.com/printing/printing-flyers.aspx) and full color flyers (http://www.printplace.com/mkt/full-color-flyer-printing.aspx)

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