четверг, 24 апреля 2008 г.

Now is the Time to Build a Business that Works No Matter What's Happening on Wall Street

Good riddance to all the bottom feeders. You know those who treat their business as a part-time hobby. These are the people who are just out to get the quick and easy client. The people whose only approach to business is to get out there and scrape up anything and everything they can find to make an easy buck. These guys don't have a business anyway they're only looking for the easy sales event.

Good riddance to those who are only muddying the waters. The businesses who give everyone else in the industry a bad name and then they're gone overnight. There are always too many people like that in the business anyway.

You, on the other hand, are a very different person. This is serious for you. This isn't part-time, sideline, easy in easy out for you. You're in it for the long haul. You have to succeed when the market is up and when the market is down, sideways, or any other direction they can dream up next.

This is a great opportunity for you becau! se as the market does a little house cleaning, you can do a little house cleaning in your business preparing to handle anything that's thrown at you now or ever. You also know that when things take a down turn it isn't just the bottom feeders who fail out sometimes it's the good businesses too.

Why do good businesses fail, and how can you prevent becoming one of them? You can prevent becoming one of the casualties when you plan how you'll:

own a spot in your prospect's mind

adjust the way you do business to match what your prospects want

make it easy and irresistible for ideal prospects to reach out to you

work as a partner and trusted advisor placing the client's needs first

generate raving fans helping them to automatically refer you

commit to your own on-going development and improvements

commit to developing the critical proficiencies required to succeed in any business

No matter what business you think yo! u're in you're really in the business of marketing that busine! ss first and foremost. Only when you do a good job of marketing your business do you get the privilege of selling your services and doing what you do. You're probably doing a lot of the things necessary to succeed in business well already.

However, if everyone doesn't know you're doing it well you might as well not be doing it at all. It's like you're shining a flashlight under a bushel basket and then wondering why the world can't see your beam. If that beam of light represents you and your business then you have to develop the best way to communicate what that beam means to your prospects and clients, or you may as well not even have your beam of light to begin with.

Marketing is really just a matter of communication. Most people think the purpose of communication is to make someone else understand. That's 100% wrong. The purpose of communication is to produce a result. Of course, increased sales are the ultimate results you want. How well are you communicating with your market?

When sales are down it's the best time to step back and make things really good. This is the time for you to gain the clarity and develop the skills to take you where you need to be. Learn more about how you can build a business that works by getting the free 7 Secrets report below.

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