четверг, 10 апреля 2008 г.

A Business Tip That is Sure to Help You Grow

I remember way back when, at a time when the only worry I had in life was whether or not we were going to have that surprise quiz in class tomorrow. Ah the days of yester year that has drifted away.

Of course I am talking about back when I was just a young student in grade school. The days, although they seemed to take forever to finish, were a lot shorter, and I stress a lot, then they are today.

One of the things I enjoyed when I was a young child was the collecting of baseball cards. Once in a while I would go to a card show with my dad, but for me it was the thrill of opening that pack of Topps, Donruss or Fleer to see if I was able to snag the hottest superstars. Nothing, at that time, seemed more exciting then when you opened your pack, and boom, there was a Pete Rose, a Mike Schmidt or a Reggie Jackson just staring you back in the face.

About towards the end of my collecting career, a national chain of convenient stores were putting special editio! n baseball collector coins on the bottom (underneath the cup) of their signature frozen drinks. At that time collecting was very popular and I can see now why they would do this. It created a means to sell more of their product.

However, beyond that little tip for your business, these coins were limited edition collector's items. In other words they would only be around for so long and only so many of them were printed.

This brings me to the business topic of the day. Do some of the products you sell or services you offer for your business, include a special limited edition offer? If you sell widgets, are some of them special edition? This will help create a buzz around your business and what you are trying to sell.

If you are a service oriented business, try offering additional services for a limited time. For example if you hang drywall for a living, throw in a free coat of primer if they get drywall work done within the next month. The possibilities of ! using this type of technique are endless. Sit down and think f! or a mom ent how you can incorporate it into your line of work. Chances are you can, and in fact you really should.

I know in our business we offer, from time to time, special discounts on premier services, and certain upgrades. We do this on occasion and it works well for us. I have also talked to some friends of mine who use this same technique for their own businesses or companies that they work for. It is a great technique and it really works.

Start your limited edition program for your business and you are sure to be on your way to generating sales you may not have thought would be there.

I wonder what happed to all those baseball cards I bought back in the day.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world witho! ut pay-per-click prices or auction fees.

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